Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesday, October 13th. - "What was it then? What is it now?"

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Hello kids!

Good afternoon! 

Have you seen all the changes that matter goes through?

 Our first experiment was an ice cube that changed into water.

Then, we saw other examples of changes of matter.

Today is Monday, October 13th 

It is a warm  _______________ day

                                     “What was it then?”

                                        “ What is it now?”

Now, look around your kitchen. Find something that has changed from one thing to another. Write it down as in the example below.

  1. It was an orange. Now it’s orange juice.

  2. They were ice cubes. Now ………………………….

Now look at these pictures and write “Then” if they were from the past and “Now” if they are from the present. The first 2 have been done as examples for you. 



Have a beautiful afternoon! See you around!

Miss Irene

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