Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tuesday, August 4th. - Leek Hotpot


Good afternoon, kids!! Do you remember this sound?

Do you remember the long “ee” sound? As in leek, bee or tree?

Let’s complete this liveworksheet so we can remember this sound.

2nd N https://es.liveworksheets.com/c?a=s&g=2N&s=English&t=v1uzj5j234&m=n&is=y&ia=y&l=rx&i=cztncd&r=ls

During the last period, we have been working with this book “Leek Hotpot”. Now let’s read together the whole story.

In this pdf file you will find the book. Please, read it aloud carefully, take your time and try to find all the words requested in the following exercise. (We will work with it in our virtual meetings.)


Then, copy today’s date and today’s title in your copybooks. 

Today is Tuesday, August 4th

Today I feel _________________.

Leek Hotpot

Now, we are going to spot all the words containing the long vowel sound “ee”. (You can find them in the speech bubbles and also in the pictures.)


Here, we have some of them to practise some blending together. Sound the words out carefully. 

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IV7RzF-1zw-1uIfY3Amsms97e5NUWwp9aobbdPsNlSxW2nUk9GAuieokl4T2VMFhMC9P7O17Cy2d-jl3tIellkArgS8DxDuWNvWwTnPFDJLvJK8ILwUyD9uKRS5wcQxCVWyQsnI   https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/J9IyUhIMqpWhb1FxAkuWUeMa64Ub85Z9dtyaVi7uQlmd87PR-ZocZ35JOxNJMFFfxtGUgypJjDqqw4WRll8JxMfobQEgrBfY-uJnlHm90suhrSubrhwnFmJZ9vYWoIgE-mFh12qj

Let’s do the same with the rest of the words you found.

Now, let’s see how many “oo” words can you find. 

Then, we are going to blend them too.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rX0YObAyPdcs8Cur_cnystdE-jBfNh4bjmPO46bpb8tIbN4AhgKJT43RJBATXvk9IpXYnhSszLYNs0SLNE85nootD9qJXtwCk9BQcMYrIZHSYJ0ZDMQbWtwlsgDYO2nRg8MQ8qQ7 https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/GfHW979g4GF_SOqG4DpG9gBtxPMC7wQme0fqJ3_ONpqJblbtszs8igUsD6nisFbyi8hKgOc8PgsW93hIq_1MdtVPsxOTHXWRjJI4BzPkjK3sTn7bg9gmxNmkPtcngIdpxpyG5e6H

Let’s take our copybook and make a list of the words you found in the story.



Until tomorrow!

Bitmoji Image

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